Up for sale is an original, one-of-a-kind production cel used for the making of Toei Animation's ultra-popular Dragon Ball anime, based on the Weekly Shōnen Jump manga by Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball's original series aired in Japan on Fuji TV from 1986 to 1989 and has since been broadcast in at least 81 countries worldwide. Sadly, Mr. Akira Toriyama is no longer on this earth, but he is truly a manga/anime legend, loved by so many animators and fans all over the world! R.I.P.
Exciting close-up image of Chibi Kuririn (Krillin) facing stinky Bacterian at Tenkaichi Budōkai tournament from Episode 21, "Smells Like Trouble." This is from when both fighters were introduced in front of the crowd while the camera pans from Bacterian to Kuririn, as shown in the video. They were the 1st fight at the tournament, and Kuririn was facing the stinkiest opponent on earth! This episode was aired on TV in Japan on July 16, 1986. B1 pan-size cel. This image was used four times (in Cut 99, 101, 104, and 106). It is one of the best images of them together! The last picture is the screen capture image from this scene for reference. It is in very good condition with typical trace line fade found in Toei Anime cels of this vintage. It also comes with a matching douga pencil drawing, which is stuck to the cel as shown and shipped in a fresh polypropylene bag for protection. Douga has some animator's notes in Japanese. The image size is 7.25 inches by 10.75 inches. The overall art size is 10.25 inches by 12 inches.
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$2,200.00 Regular Price
$1,999.99Sale Price
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