Rare, original, one-of-a-kind anime production cel from the Riding Bean OVA released in 1989. This Riding Bean OVA film was produced by AIC and Artmic. The story was written by Kenichi Sonoda. He was the character designer.
Super rare image of Carrie who is Semmerling and Hicks accomplice, as well as Semmering's lover. Voice actor for Carrie was Meguimi Hayashibara. This cel comes with unstuck matching douga pencil drawing and non-matching color copy background for presentation only. The cel is in very good condition with some moderate trace line fade as expected in cels of this vintage. There are some soft crease lines/dents on the cel. Douga is in very good condition with some yellowing and wrinkles/creases/tears due to the age. Cel and douga both have staple holes at top. Image size is 6.75 inches by 1.75 inches. The overall size is 10 inches by 12.5 inches. Cel comes protected for shipping in a polypropylene bag.
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SKU: RD001
$200.00 Regular Price
$149.99Sale Price
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